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Pursuing Full Compensation For Birth Injury Victims

One of the most heartbreaking events in life is when an infant has suffered an injury at birth causing disability or even a loss of life. What should be one of the happiest moments of your life can be quickly transformed into a tragedy.

Even worse, when the injury is a result of improper medical care that causes a birth injury that will forever change your child’s life, it can be devastating. It can also be hard to know where to turn.

Birth injuries can happen anytime – during the pregnancy, during delivery or with newborn care immediately following delivery. If a baby is improperly handled during delivery, this can cause a loss of oxygen and result in brain damage.

Common Causes Of Birth Injuries

There are other things that can happen that can lead to birth injuries: the infant’s position or size during birth; complications with the mother, such as a birth canal that is unusually narrow, or a small pelvis; or a preexisting medical condition of the mother. Careful, reactive treatment from doctors and nurses can prevent many injuries.

But in some instances, the medical provider may make a mistake that causes significant injury to the baby. These medical errors can require several weeks of extra medical attention or cause lifelong disability, causing conditions like brachial plexus injuries, Erb’s palsy, facial nerve palsy, cerebral palsy, eclampsia and other birth injury conditions in the baby.

The failure of a medical professional to respond correctly, diagnose a condition, or pay attention leading up to and throughout a birth can result in your baby being permanently damaged. As you can imagine, coping with all of this can cost a lot of money – from hundreds of thousands to over a million dollars.

How We Can Help

Our team of medical malpractice and birth injury professionals is committed to helping you get the compensation you need to pay for medical care and medications, needed equipment, special assistance, adaptive therapy and state-of-the-art electronic devices to help you deal with the overwhelming needs presented by catastrophic neonatal injury.

To prepare for a case like yours, we get to know you and your child so that we can tell your story to a jury. Our experienced birth injury attorneys work with leading medical and life-planning experts to evaluate the cause, extent, and prognosis of these types of injuries. We work diligently and effectively for a fair settlement while remaining prepared to take the case to trial if necessary.

If your child has been harmed at birth due to medical negligence, you need to talk to an experienced birth injury lawyer.

Get In Touch With Us

It is tragic that some babies are injured at birth because health care providers are negligent or careless. If you believe your child suffered a preventable birth injury, your legal rights include pursuing compensation for damages.

Contact Us Today

Contact our Southfield office so that the Whiting Law can investigate the birth and provide counsel as to your legal options and rights. Call 248-355-5900 or use our online contact form to make an appointment.