My client, a 54-year-old woman, was a passenger in car on the freeway when the car behind her failed to stop and rear-ended my client’s vehicle. Not only did the crash cause significant damage to both vehicles, it also caused severe injuries to my client.
The vehicle that rear-ended my client was clearly at fault, and the police report taken at the scene said so. While my client used to enjoy working at her demanding job and cooking large meals for family events, the injuries she suffered (both physical and psychological) made these things impossible.
My client racked up thousands of dollars in medical bills from different tests, treatments and surgery. She also required other No-Fault benefits for her care that her auto insurance company simply refused to pay.
As is often the case, the insurance company hired their own doctors to examine my client in what they call an “Independent Medical Examination.” The insurance company’s hired doctors agreed with my client’s doctors. They said her injuries were related to the accident, that her treatment plan was appropriate and she needed continued care.
However these doctors somehow decided she did not need help with household chores or nursing care services despite her severe injuries and related surgeries.
I was able to obtain $425,000 for my client to pay her medical bills and other No-Fault benefits her insurance company wrongfully refused to pay.