My client applied for Social Security Disability benefits with more than enough work credits, and conditions that qualified her to receive benefits according to Social Security's rules. Unfortunately, her claim was denied. We appealed and went to a hearing with an...
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Social Security
$34,000 Back Pay Won for Michigan Woman With Severe Back Pain
My client, a 46-year-old woman, had a very solid work history, and enjoyed her job until her back pain forced her to stop working. Suffering severe back pain, she went to her doctors to figure out what was wrong. They did some diagnostic testing since she was unable...
Here’s What You Should Know about Disability Benefits
If you have become disabled, you may know that the Social Security Administration (SSA) offers a benefits program for people who meet their medical criteria. The application process can be complicated, and unfortunately, it’s easy to be denied because of a simple...
Everything You Need to Know about Social Security Disability in Michigan
According to recent data from the Social Security Disability Administration (SSA), over 10 million people in the United States receive disability benefits. But for every 20 people who apply for Social Security benefits, 13 are denied. Per the same report, payments...